Sunday, March 14, 2010

John MaCArthur says that the absence of boasting tells volumes about their character. Then He used the verse from 1Samuel 2:3 " Boast no more so very proudly, do not let arrogance come out of your mouth; For the Lord is a God of knowledge; and with Him actions are weighed."

I pondered this and thought how convicting this was to me personally on not to boast nor be arrogant in anything I can do. Nor even boast about the gifts the Lord gave me. I know not to be prideful for whatever the Lord gives, he can take away. I recently did have to let go of something I had great pride in. I didn't realize that the lesson would include this too. Even in gifts that God mercifully give us we can be prideful, like our family, our church, our friends, and then things too like gifts, homes, finances, anything. This lesson has brought to be content in God and God alone. I have had so many lessons the past months that God is enough. God is enough if you don't have a husband, ( which I have been blessed to have a husband, but seeing dear friends become a widow or go through divorce, or just be temporarily in a different town away from a spouses been witness to me.) God is enough if you don't have a child, (which I do watching others lose theirs to illness, miscarriages, spiritual lostness, loss of everyday custody through divorce, sharing custody with even a step-parent, or even infertility, but yet I have been blessed with healthy children and not suffered a loss of this sort either) loss of a church family and friends is another form of loss( I did have to say goodbye to a church family b/c God had other plans for us to move to another, that has been one hard trial.) God scatters His people for His glory to spread and shared and to say goodbye is hard and change is hard. To not have a church or Pastor for a time frame is hard but God is enough, He does lead you through the dessert and the wilderness to where He wants you. I took pride in my church, my friends and never thought this sort of change or sacrifice would be asked, yet He did. He is showing me to have my roots in Him for even though there are many blessings there is suffering but is the sufferings that grow us in Him the most, and it is the sufferings that refine and produce the righteous fruit. It is the pruning the vine dresser does that produces righteous fruit.
I am learning to not to boast, to be content, to be thankful for each moment in God's presence and cherish each day each gift and trial He allows me to have. I am learning to love on and minister to who the Lord has me cross paths with for that day for we know not what tomorrow holds and we have nothing to boast of except that God is Holy God and He is the King, the Judge, the gift giver, the Creator, the only thing we should be desperate for. He should be our portion and we are thankful for the boundary lines He placed for our inheritance is great but it is nothing we deserve but an inheritance of Gracious and Loving Father.


Anonymous said...

This was a good one Paige! I wish I could have read it a few months ago, but I probably wouldn't have listened. I am stubborn like that. I need to re-learn that God is enough. Thanks for this convicting post!

SoonerMom said...

We are all stubborn sheep. I am glad the Lord used it. God really spoke to me too and humbled me with the verse. This year has been a huge growing year for me. Love you!!