Monday, September 22, 2008

I love you so so much

This is Noah and he loves to crawl up in you lap and say I love you so so much.
He is Emma's brother.. I have had him since he was 4 months and in Oct he will be 4. Wow the times have flown by...Noah is truly a treasure and when he is not around it is noticed. He brings laughter and light into a room and bless his heart he is always having to talk above the crowd b/c he was the youngest until Ella just came. I will post her tomorrow. Noah loves big and I love him oh so so so much.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's Daddy's birthday! The above pic was taken 2 summers ago. Summer of 2007 and the band pic taken a few moments ago. You may be wondering why I posted the summer one I did b/c it is one of my favorite pictures of the boys with their dad. He has and is always willing to do fun and exciting things. He also is great at helping me home school. David takes Landon to band and pays attention too in order to help him practice his trombone, and this year he is helping Parker with piano. The teacher required a parent attend lessons and learn with child and since mom has other little ones to baby sit Daddy spends lunch hour on Wed. with Parker at Piano... Oh what a blessing to have hubby so supportive and a daddy who is just as excited to see the boys learn new things. He also is our principal and math teacher besides the full time worker at Phillips. I am so thankful for him to be so supportive in all I do as well. He is our cheerleader when things are getting hard and keeps on task and consistent when we grow weary. I love you sweetie. Thanks for being the smile at the end of a long day and calm force behind us all that keeps us steady. So happy to have another year with you. So thankful that God made you and we are in this journey together. Happy Happy Birthday.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hurricane Safari

Parker is 8! No more little boys. But oh my... I love you dear Parker and am so thankful for the past 8 years. I can' t believe they have gone so fast. A friend the other day reminded me of a book on preteens and the book says 8-12 years old. A new era in our house, my boys are growing into young men and I am riding on the fastest ride I ever imagined. I am so thankful for the kisses and hugs and the out of the blue " I love you momma" ( Yes, both boys still say momma and not mother or mom I am so thankful for each time I hear that). Parker was so excited about his Safari party. We have been planning this and no rain was going to dampen our day. We debated all morning whether to move it to our house or keep it at the park.. We kept it at the park all the kiddos had a blast it was perfect for boys especially... My husband thought of us just using trash bags as rain coats. We hid animals in the trees and the rest they just played in rain. I don't think Parker will ever forget this one. Parker always comes up with great ideas for parties. They are simple but so much fun. Children teach us so much. Just enjoy the blessings God give us each day and wow how perfect was it that it was a warm rainy day for our safari party day. But more special to spend it with you Parker!!!!
Psalm 66:5 "Come and see the works of God; He is awesome in His doing toward the sons of men."

Landon enjoying brother's birthday just as much with friend

AHHH those eyes and that smile who could resist..