Thursday, February 25, 2010

Psalm 16:5-8
Lord you have assigned me my portion, my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the Lord who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand I will not be shaken.

These verses have brought great comfort lately. They say so much. I have a lot of why Lord are you not doing this or that? When are you going to do something? What is your will? I have gone to His word knowing He is faithful and true to His word so alot of my requests are just in His timing, or He has a higher way and better way than what I am praying for. I even prayed for Him to change my desires for those I am praying if it is not His will. He keeps coming back with Just Trust. YOu believe and but you need Me to help your unbelief. Accept the lines I am placing and just praise me for all things that are happening at this time.

Also this verse really says alot about biblical womanhood too. It helps if you are feeling insecure on how to be a godly woman or if you are questioning the boundaries of biblical womanhood. I also have used it to teach my children about the protection of boundaries and the importance of boundaries. Also the true Boundary maker, and we must accept them and follow them with a happy heart.

Boundaries there are many lessons in these verses. It also has been used to teach me to respect others boundaries and when I have overstepped my boundaries to confess and repent and seek the Lord to help me remain in boundaries.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Marshmallows from SCRATCH!!!
We have been doing more family memory making things this year....So Saturday night before Valentine's day we started around 8pm I know crazy time..Our family always starts baking at crazy times. The boys helped too. I am not normally a good baker but my skills are improving. I have always prided that I am cook not a baker. There is a difference but I have always aspired to be a I got the recipe from here I love the blog and her photos are awesome. I am visual person so I love having a place to go and see what and how to do a recipe as well as read it.
Here are pics not as pretty as hers but they did turn out very yummy! They were awesome. I did one batch with some Vanilla and Cinnamon flavor and one with Vanilla and Almond. They were amazing and we all had a blast. There was powdered sugar everywhere for a few days but well worth all the work and fun!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Sunday is Valentines day..........

I used to hate Valentines day when I was young and single. Then I got okay with it but I was still single. I remember wondering if I would ever marry. I had dates, but after spending a month with someone I knew it was not the right one. I had men that pursued me and thought it was beautiful. I was so arrogant and high maintenance I am amazed the Lord brought someone to my life. I did have one person I dated for a year my first year of college. We fought all the time. I was very strong and independent was not going to be controlled. I wanted my education and career. Looking back he was not my true love he was the one God was using to train me. He ended up leaving and moving away to another state. I was devastated. He wanted me to move with him and leave everything with no guarantees. I was not willing not without a ring. I was 19.

At 22, after many a heart break I met my true love. I was not walking with the Lord like I thought I was but God brought this sweet soul into my life at time I hated men. When we talk about grace and mercy... every time I look at my sweet David I not only see this wonderful man I am married to but What a loving God I have. I was not strong and very much a sinner and very lost but God worked it all out. Don't get me wrong David was not walking with Lord either, but for some reason God showed mercy on us both. David had never really been to church nor even read the bible. At 19 after that horrible breakup I prayed to God a selfish prayer. God I want a man to love, to love me, and to have a family and I want to raise my children in church and be a Christian family. Did I know what I was praying? No. Did I know biblical what God expected out of woman or man? No. Did I have grandparents and parents that raised me in church and prayed for me? Yes. How thankful I am for strong faithful believers in my life who were and are prayer warriors.

Romans 8:26 " In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans words cannot express."

David and I have been married this August 2 for 14 years. Everyone except for my parents thought we would not make it past the first year, but God had other plans. He later saved us, we repented and now walk with God. We both will tell you it is God who has made our marriage work. So, let me tell about the godly man, my Valentine, that God made. God made him to love Him first. God gave him a thirst and love for His word. God made him into a man that loves me as Jesus loves the church. God made him into a man that protects me and holds me accountable to God's word. God is growing him into a loving father. God made him mission minded and Kingdom minded. God made him moldable and teachable. God has made him bold over the past few years. God gave him a servant heart. Anyone that knows my sweet David will say he is one of kindest souls you will meet. Is David perfect? No. Is David being molded into Christ's image by our Faithful loving Father? Yes.

I am truely Grateful to our God for giving me the desires of my heart as it says in the psalms.

As an apple tree so is my beloved among the young men. With great delight I sat in his shadow, and his fruit was sweet to my taste. Solomon 2:3

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I got a new CD around Christmas... Casting Crowns. Here is one of my favorite songs. Who am I kidding I love all the songs but felt led to share these two. Mercy and Glorious Day. Go check them out on Youtube. They are awesome. here are some of the lyrics of Mercy that have touched my heart so
"Here I stand a child of Yours Broken and in need of You ,Break these chains and wash my guilt away Healer of my brokenness, My weary soul will find its rest, You are my strength, the lifter of my head ,You’re greater than my yesterdays, You hold me close today, You’re the Lord of my tomorrows My heart will always say You’re greater than my yesterdays You hold me close todayYou’re the Lord of my tomorrowsMy heart will always say..."

God is greater than our yesterdays and our todays and our tomorrows. But He is holding me today and what a strength that is to Have God holding me.. But what a comfort to know He is the lifter of our heads. I love that Psalms. It has such comfort at times when I need peace to rest in Him I do quote that psalm..

Psalm 3:3 But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.I cried aloud to the LORD, and he answered me from his holy hill.

Psalm 13:5-6 But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.
I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Another one bites the dust....

Well, the hubby came home ill after work today. I felt so bad for him. He never is sick. Then the oldest said "Mom, my stomach is gurgling...", then at 11pm. We hear the dreaded sound of liquid in the toilet... Was it the hubby? No. Was it my oldest son? No. It was the youngest. Poor guy he is so sick. Looks like a long night at the Douglas home. So, while I sit and wait for the oldest to need some help I am going to go read and pray. But as I sit how thankful I am it is just a stomach bug and nothing more serious. My days are numbered to care for family... Soon, the boys will be gone and it will be David and I alone. No, mommy, I need you. How thankful I am for the little things.... well I hear the sounds stirring more vomiting off to wipe the face and sooth with a cool wash cloth.

Psalm 39:4 "LORD, make me to know my end And what is the extent of my days; Let me know how transient I am.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

More Snow fun Pics of sledding. Boys are great to have there is always an adventure to be had. David took the boys and some friends to go sledding. I had to stay home so all could fit in the blazer with the limited seating but thank goodness David got some awesome pics. I helped them build the fort today with my daycare kiddos... Emma and Noah were so excited to learn how to roll a snow ball. Landon was so great and patient to show them how to do it too.
What a great way to say goodbye to the melting snow... I must say it has been fun but I am ready for SPRING!!



Sometimes you just got get outside and get down and dirty/ wet and have some fun.