Monday, December 8, 2008


Wow, last week flew by and now this week is beginning. We put up our tree. I remember when I waited for the boys to go to bed so I could put it up b/c I could not keep an eye on them and do the tree and now I am watching them assemble it... time flies. It makes me cherish each day more the older my children get. No more baths to be given... they like to wash themselves now. I do still do laundry and cooking but they are helping with those as well. It is bittersweet, new, yet good b/c we want the boys to grow into responsible christian men. Have we made our time count? I think so because we have tried to use our time with them to plant a lot of seed with God's word. It is the only life we can give our children. We are teaching them there is time and season for everything. I try very hard to teach them that each moment and breath is precious are we using it for the most for God. When they fight I say is it worth the time? How much time do I spend on silly thoughts, words, and actions? Even our most joyful moments can be delightful for God if we living the way we should.
Christmas time is so full of cheer and kindness. I even have a brighter look on things not saying that I usually don't but there is just something about Christmas... I asked my husband why can't we all be like this in April when the taxes are due. or even in Aug. or Sept... I think sometimes I grow weary or get in a rut.. and instead I should cherish the time here on this earth.. Another day is another day here to learn, grow myself, help someone, teach my children, and also help grow the kingdom or just another moment to show the wondrous love and glory of God. I don't always see my days as that, especially ones that have emotions and stress and anger. or frustrations or even blah days... with time flying I pray to be more observant of the preciousness of each day no matter what happens in that day.. for we must be mindful we are only a breathe away from eternity and it does not end. Even in the mundane it is time that God has purposed for me to see His hand in the seconds and He is very detailed so I must seek Him to know what the details of my time should be and how they should be spent...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Fantabulous Friday.....

Ask and you shall receive... I prayed to be content everyday this week and the Lord did above and beyond. I must say I become addicted to Facebook and now I have new thing to incorporate self dicipline in my life and time management....ha! ha! One thing is I have made contact with my sweet cousin. She may read my blog now too who knows. Rachel if your reading this I can not express how much joy I have that I have way to contact you and see you more often. .. too many miles seperate us. I know I wrote things I was thankful a few days ago but I have more.

1. For drive thru restraunts when you are sick.

2. KFC's cole slaw.( I always crave it when I am not feeling well)

3. For faithful believers who are sisters in Christ praying for me.

4. For my boys working diligently today.

5. For my husband calling and brightening my day each time I hear his voice ( after 12 years I still get excited to hear his voice on the other line)

6. For Dayquil and Nyquil.

7. For God's provision for our Awana store

8. For children to minister to and all the doors God is allowing me to walk through in that area

9 For God showing me the bigger picture in what He has been dong the past month in my life.

10 For my mom and being able to talk to her and rejoice in the Lord together this morning.

11. For God helping me forgive my in-laws

12. For forgiveness and mercy daily

Well I better stop I am just so happy God gave me a content heart all week. Whoever reads this I challenge you on being enraptured and content in the Lord and let me know what God does and shows you.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

more content

Today is wednesday and I can not say enough how wonderful Sunday was. Good word from the Lord on how to keep eyes off of wealth and on Him and the dangers of making it our focus even if we don't have it. I must say my eyes have been distracted a lot lately wanting to be debt free and wanting to save. Got a new perspective on just how much of attitude of entitlement I have. And the lure of laziness wanting ease if I just had this amount. Sorry Lord.

I am hard worker but my pride needs to be gone even more so out of my heart. It was good to confess and repent. Then later this week God gave me encouragement through His word again in study in Genesis and 2 Peter about Abraham and Lot... on how He does rescue the righteous. How important it is for us to continue to be in prayer for the spiritually lost and fellow believers how it is a service to be in prayer even for those who have silenced you.
I think the Lord is helping to keep me in contentment through the week. This week has been a daily progression to less frustration and more contentment as the week progresses.
I have challenged our sunday school class mind you 4th/ 5th graders to write down 7 things a week they are thankful for until Christmas.
!. Jesus saving me
2. my husband
3. God's word
4. my healthy boys who are full of life and energy
5. parents that took me to church
6 running clean water
7. being able to teach with my husband sunday school to willing students!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Content: satisfy, delight, thrill, captivate, enrapture.....Enrapture: elate, gladden, gratify, please, rejoice;
ummmm. Well my sweet friend CAMO mom said it has been way too long. It has where have I been no where yet changed... my husband went on a mission trip to Mexico.. I think my heart must have gone with him. I can not seem to stop thinking about the people who he met mainly they were children. As I teach my boys and we go about our routines I wonder what theirs are...
Then also lately I have been searching my heart wondering do I really seek the Lord as earnestly as I should? Am I enraptured with where He has me and what He has me doing?
The weekend was wonderful I don't want to end and we have not even gone to church yet..Sunday's coming... I can say this I am striving to be satisfied in the Lord more each day. We just got done a few hours watching a family movie with the kids eating some goodies and the boys were grinning ear to ear as they headed off to bed. Gladdened. I don't know if anyone else reads this but my hubby and my friend but it gratifies my heart to write and see what what Jesus is having me work through. I recently joined Facebook and seeing old friends and catching up and looking at pics and reading their daily lives has been interesting and fun. I realized even though I am outgoing I have been become someone new... a more quieter soul, more at peace at home, and not so much a people person as I used to be. I used to wonder about everyone and their lives and now I just want to make sure I get through my quiet time with true a heart, be a kind wife and mom, show my family I cherish with each action ( fail daily at this one), and get all my things done on my chore chart so I can write.... I have not done very well blogging. I love to blog and read blogs but is it something that I can get in or will it take away from my time with Jesus. Can't blame for trying to have high expectations we will just have to see how all this fits.

I feel like I run all week, yet now looking at others I see I don't. But I am content today it has been a breath of fresh air. I look forward to Sunday so I can make it through Monday.. what a goal is will I be this content on Thursday? Will I be enraptured and perfectly content every day this week? Stay tuned so far it has been lasting to Tues..ha!ha!

Monday, September 22, 2008

I love you so so much

This is Noah and he loves to crawl up in you lap and say I love you so so much.
He is Emma's brother.. I have had him since he was 4 months and in Oct he will be 4. Wow the times have flown by...Noah is truly a treasure and when he is not around it is noticed. He brings laughter and light into a room and bless his heart he is always having to talk above the crowd b/c he was the youngest until Ella just came. I will post her tomorrow. Noah loves big and I love him oh so so so much.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's Daddy's birthday! The above pic was taken 2 summers ago. Summer of 2007 and the band pic taken a few moments ago. You may be wondering why I posted the summer one I did b/c it is one of my favorite pictures of the boys with their dad. He has and is always willing to do fun and exciting things. He also is great at helping me home school. David takes Landon to band and pays attention too in order to help him practice his trombone, and this year he is helping Parker with piano. The teacher required a parent attend lessons and learn with child and since mom has other little ones to baby sit Daddy spends lunch hour on Wed. with Parker at Piano... Oh what a blessing to have hubby so supportive and a daddy who is just as excited to see the boys learn new things. He also is our principal and math teacher besides the full time worker at Phillips. I am so thankful for him to be so supportive in all I do as well. He is our cheerleader when things are getting hard and keeps on task and consistent when we grow weary. I love you sweetie. Thanks for being the smile at the end of a long day and calm force behind us all that keeps us steady. So happy to have another year with you. So thankful that God made you and we are in this journey together. Happy Happy Birthday.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hurricane Safari

Parker is 8! No more little boys. But oh my... I love you dear Parker and am so thankful for the past 8 years. I can' t believe they have gone so fast. A friend the other day reminded me of a book on preteens and the book says 8-12 years old. A new era in our house, my boys are growing into young men and I am riding on the fastest ride I ever imagined. I am so thankful for the kisses and hugs and the out of the blue " I love you momma" ( Yes, both boys still say momma and not mother or mom I am so thankful for each time I hear that). Parker was so excited about his Safari party. We have been planning this and no rain was going to dampen our day. We debated all morning whether to move it to our house or keep it at the park.. We kept it at the park all the kiddos had a blast it was perfect for boys especially... My husband thought of us just using trash bags as rain coats. We hid animals in the trees and the rest they just played in rain. I don't think Parker will ever forget this one. Parker always comes up with great ideas for parties. They are simple but so much fun. Children teach us so much. Just enjoy the blessings God give us each day and wow how perfect was it that it was a warm rainy day for our safari party day. But more special to spend it with you Parker!!!!
Psalm 66:5 "Come and see the works of God; He is awesome in His doing toward the sons of men."

Landon enjoying brother's birthday just as much with friend

AHHH those eyes and that smile who could resist..

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Emma Grace.....
This is one of my kiddos I care for.. not mine but close enough.
I have had her since she was 4 months old and now she is five and
going on 16.... She came today with her hair already done by herself. It was fabulous pigtails that a very independent five year old could do. Her daddy asked her if she wanted me to redo her hair... She said no and we said great. Later at breakfast she said Mrs. Paige would you braid my hair? I said of course. Then we tried and it was not working so she said how about pig tails? I said sure. I wish I would have taken a picture of her pigtails too. (next time) It is funny how you care for children and yet they are the ones who teach you. I am studying about Martha and Mary and how not to be a Martha... I as a woman who loves the Lord and wants to glorify Him have such good intentions to guide my children to Love the Lord. But, I can be an independent fixer too and go about my business without asking God for help. I get distracted from focusing on Him and really seeking after how He wants me to be. I don't allow His hands to make the way. I learned a deep lesson about just humbling myself and crying out ABBA. He will help me and do it better and far more efficient than I ever could. He is helping me to be still and sit at His feet and ask Him, How am I to do this Lord? Just trust and obey... In my own strength my ways look like Emma's ponytails not quite right yet with His hands making it .... it comes out a lot smoother and shinier..
2Cor. 12 9-10 " But ( God) said to me " My Grace is sufficient for you my power is made perfect in weakness," Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities for when I am weak than I am strong.
Emma I pray you will know the Lord so much better than I someday.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

This week at our house...

Here are a few of the things we accomplished this week. Enjoy!

We finished the kitchen and the cabinet. Parker learned to ride his bike without training wheels.

Have you been Washed?

Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of the water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. Ephesians 5:25-27

As a mother I remember the care I took in bathing my beautiful baby boys when they were infants, making sure to get soap and water in every crevice and wrinkle on their chubby baby legs, and also making sure they were well rinsed in every crevice. As my boys are growing into young men, I now have to trust them to bathe themselves. Now I try to remind them before they shower, “Use soap all over and wash in all places.” Other times I ask lovingly when they have finished, “Did you use soap all over?” Sometimes they have to return to the shower because they did not use soap. This is not an uncommon happening among children because I have heard the same kinds of stories from my friends and other mothers. I have even heard that some children will go as far as washing their arm but nothing else because they know their mother will smell their arm to see if they have bathed.

These bathing experiences bring the scripture above to mind. Do we use our “soap”, which is spending time in the word, to allow God to cleanse us in every wrinkle and crevice of our hearts? Do we allow His word to wash us clean as Christ wants? Or are we like some children, just showering without soap or just washing our arms only to live a life of hypocrisy?