Wednesday, November 19, 2008

more content

Today is wednesday and I can not say enough how wonderful Sunday was. Good word from the Lord on how to keep eyes off of wealth and on Him and the dangers of making it our focus even if we don't have it. I must say my eyes have been distracted a lot lately wanting to be debt free and wanting to save. Got a new perspective on just how much of attitude of entitlement I have. And the lure of laziness wanting ease if I just had this amount. Sorry Lord.

I am hard worker but my pride needs to be gone even more so out of my heart. It was good to confess and repent. Then later this week God gave me encouragement through His word again in study in Genesis and 2 Peter about Abraham and Lot... on how He does rescue the righteous. How important it is for us to continue to be in prayer for the spiritually lost and fellow believers how it is a service to be in prayer even for those who have silenced you.
I think the Lord is helping to keep me in contentment through the week. This week has been a daily progression to less frustration and more contentment as the week progresses.
I have challenged our sunday school class mind you 4th/ 5th graders to write down 7 things a week they are thankful for until Christmas.
!. Jesus saving me
2. my husband
3. God's word
4. my healthy boys who are full of life and energy
5. parents that took me to church
6 running clean water
7. being able to teach with my husband sunday school to willing students!

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