Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Another one bites the dust....

Well, the hubby came home ill after work today. I felt so bad for him. He never is sick. Then the oldest said "Mom, my stomach is gurgling...", then at 11pm. We hear the dreaded sound of liquid in the toilet... Was it the hubby? No. Was it my oldest son? No. It was the youngest. Poor guy he is so sick. Looks like a long night at the Douglas home. So, while I sit and wait for the oldest to need some help I am going to go read and pray. But as I sit how thankful I am it is just a stomach bug and nothing more serious. My days are numbered to care for family... Soon, the boys will be gone and it will be David and I alone. No, mommy, I need you. How thankful I am for the little things.... well I hear the sounds stirring more vomiting off to wipe the face and sooth with a cool wash cloth.

Psalm 39:4 "LORD, make me to know my end And what is the extent of my days; Let me know how transient I am.


Kipplyn said...

Oh No! Bless your hearts! You are such a sweet mom! So, thankful they made it to the toilet! That is an accomplishment at my house!

SoonerMom said...

Yes, well that was only the beginning. Parker threw up every 30 mins from 11pm-5am. He is doing better now just low grade fever. It was scary though, poor thing. But his little sparkle is back in his eyes this evening...