Saturday, February 20, 2010

Marshmallows from SCRATCH!!!
We have been doing more family memory making things this year....So Saturday night before Valentine's day we started around 8pm I know crazy time..Our family always starts baking at crazy times. The boys helped too. I am not normally a good baker but my skills are improving. I have always prided that I am cook not a baker. There is a difference but I have always aspired to be a I got the recipe from here I love the blog and her photos are awesome. I am visual person so I love having a place to go and see what and how to do a recipe as well as read it.
Here are pics not as pretty as hers but they did turn out very yummy! They were awesome. I did one batch with some Vanilla and Cinnamon flavor and one with Vanilla and Almond. They were amazing and we all had a blast. There was powdered sugar everywhere for a few days but well worth all the work and fun!!


Anonymous said...

These look delish! I will have to try them! Yumm!

Laura J. said...

mmmm....they were SO good!