Tuesday, January 26, 2010

George and Reba....

Well I have a confession to make. I love George Strait and Reba McEntire. I know some of my posts have been a little deep lately but I write this blog for myself mainly... This one is on a lighter note. My sweet hubby was going to try and get tickets to see George and Reba and surprise me but b/c the cost of the tickets were so much he felt led to talk to me first... Then the earthquake happened in Haiti, I told my hubby his thought was so precious and sweet that he wanted to surprise me but... and then he finished my sentence... we just didn't feel we could spend that much money on something while there are so many hurting and suffering.. We found out later the concert sold out in the first hour open.. Not like we would have been able to get tickets anyway but I still got a great gift from my hubby. I was so thankful God has touched my husband to be so romantic and loving growing him into such a loving man, but also to be kingdom minded too, and that He has grown my heart too and we are spiritually united.
I still would love to see George and Reba, but I am content that my husband just thought about doing it and that is why I love him.

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